Sunday, May 24, 2009

17 Months...

Sigh...precious age...goes by too fast...

Pictures here if the slideshow above doesn't work for you.
The Pied Piper...

I frequently say that Trevor is the Pied Piper of Juliette. Last night he got sent to time out for just ridiculous unnecessary roughness. He just tackles her and jumps on her for no reason except that he can (yes, obviously it's a cry for attention my amateur child psych friends). Anyways, he's out of the room for all of 5 seconds before she's wandering the house looking for him. And she squeals with delight when she finds him, immediately taking a seat next to him in time out, waiting patiently for him to be able to come out and play again.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not a real post...

But I know I've been out of touch so I should post something, anything...

I've been thinking about getting a wig. My hair is thinning, not to the point where other people notice, but there are handfuls every day and I think at some point it will be unmanageable.

So do you think I could pull off this look?
OK, that's all I can muster for now. Real post forthcoming within a few days.