He's redeemed himself...
You may or may not know that my friend Vito is a stay-at-home dad. I know that's a big important job and not something to make fun of. But he does seem to have a more than ample allotment of web-surfing time every day. Lately, he's been sending me lots of links to web-trash. I'm talking the worst of the worst videos of dubbed Transformer cartoons and Mario Brothers humor. I'd almost given up clicking on the links he sends, but then comes this gem...
See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die
Vito says it's funny no matter how you plan to vote. I can't vouch for that, but it's sure funny if you plan to vote the way I'm voting.
I only send funny stuff.
Bowser's Minions
Super Hero Fashion Emergency
Transformers Go Hollywood
Keep complaining and I'll start forwarding the crap my Dad sends me that he thinks is funny.
Vito has entirely too much time on his hands.
BTW, if you are voting for the socialist then I do not need to set aside money for your children's college fund any more.
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