Friday, February 13, 2009

Out of surgery...

So far so good. Lots of itching with the pre-op antibiotics. Surgeon couldn't place port in my jugular as preferred due to scar tissue (???). So he went subclavian which has higher risk of pinching and blood clots. He puts 95% in the jugular. You had to know I'd fall in the 5%...let's just hope that falling in the minority stats holds out for me.


Anonymous said...

I am, of course, pleased that you made it through this surgery okay. I am sorry to learn that the port placement was not the optimal/preferred version. I hope it heals quickly and that no complications result.
All my love.

Anonymous said...

Glad the surgery is over and the port is in place. Hang in there, we are all thinking of you. Thanks so much for the update. Love, Kathryn

Anonymous said...

So glad this step is over. Thinking of you so much. Margaret

Anonymous said...

Glad it went fairly well. Got the Valentines picture today. Adorable as always. Still making things normal as can be for your kids. Can I tell you that you continue to amaze me:) Sean too:) I know he is exhausted as well. Take care and we are still praying every day. Tell Sean Grandma Carole was elated to hear from him:) Love ya Leslie

Anonymous said...

FYI - Ray said your jugular could have scar tissue from the central line (make that plural as I remember you were "lucky" enough to get two!) Allison