Monday, January 21, 2008

I KNOW I shouldn't complain, but...
I wish Miss Juliette was awake a little more during the day. Seriously, most people would be soooo thankful to have a 1-month old that sleeps pretty consistently 7-hours in a row at night and mostly just sleeps and eats during the day, and rarely cries. And I am happy and thankful, really. But I wish she would wake up and play with me a little more so I could get to know her. And really, open those eyes during the daytime so I can take a picture or two, please. You turned one month old today and I mostly ended up with pictures of you sleeping and pictures of your pretty blonde hair. Oh well, it's obviously better than being up all night with a screaming colicky baby.

And hey, I saw a movie this weekend. How lucky am I to have Sean mind the store while I go to see a movie with a girlfriend and have a yummy lunch? I saw Juno. I highly recommend it for anyone who likes quirky movies (think Napoleon Dynamite, Royal Tennanbaums, Rushmore...).


Mama T said...

If I could be guaranteed such an easy third child, I might just be convinced to enter into the world of out-numbering. Just think of how smart she's getting, and how much sleep you aren't being deprived of!

Grampa said...

She is simply beautiful. We received
your card and have it posted on our fridge. You might want to think about evening out the playing field and having another girl. haha
Hope you and shawn are doing well.

frank and

Lisa Marie said...

Tiff, you can ship yours to me for the newborn phase if you'll take mine for the toddler phase. Juliette I can handle...Trevor screaming "NOOOOOOOO!!!" at me all day makes me want to pull my hair out.

Frank & Bobbie, you quit with ZERO girls, so I think one is plenty for me.