Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She's doing well so far. The doctor said she had responded well to her previous chemo treatments as evidenced by limited spread of disease outside the known peritoneal implants. The small bowel looks good. Some disease on the left ovary. The uterus and ovaries are coming out as planned. Too early to tell if she will be getting an ileostomy yet. She is receiving some blood because her platelet count was borderline going in. Nothing unusual yet so she will be getting the chemotherapy bath (HIPEC) as planned. She will be going to ICU on completion of the procedure. More in a couple hours.


Anonymous said...

LM, hang in there. You're doing great.

Renée said...

Sean, thank you for the update. We're praying for you, as well.

Lyn said...

Sean, Thank you for the updates. Richard and all our family's thoughts are with you all. Lyn Hamilton, Richard Evert, Alice Hamilton Evert, Peyton and William Evert.

Anonymous said...

Lisa Marie, you are an inspiration to us all.

Vito said...

Thanks for the updates. We'll keep praying.

Unknown said...

Lisa Marie, Sean, Art -
Know that we are with you in spirit. We'll keep our prayers flowing. Thanks for keeping us updated.

Anonymous said...

Prayers are being lifted in Moss Bluff, from our homes and the church.