Friday, January 30, 2009

I've never liked CATs...

Always been a dog person. Now I know why. The distasteful CAT scan from last week which produced the not-so-fun allergic reaction also bought me a call from the oncologist at MD Anderson today.

The scan shows some "densities" within my liver and "nodular areas" within my pelvis. She said the nodules in the pelvis could be artifacts from my recent surgery. The liver? She's setting up an MRI to learn more. If it's malignant, that puts me in stage 4. Four out of three out of four just wasn't good enough. Of course, we don't know anything yet. Because the CAT scan isn't definitive. So now we just wait and worry.

On the bright side (must have a bright side, must have a bright side, she repeats to herself)...if I'm stage 4 I don't have to mess around with this clinical trial. All the good drugs are approved for people with stage 4. Because they've all been tested on people with stage 4 cancer. Because when you're down to an 8% 5-year survival rate, you can throw out all the rules and go at it guns a-blazin'. So I might get that cetuximab and make my insurance company pay for it after all. So there!

By the way, I love it that so many of you are concerned and call to check on me. And I'm happy to talk, tell you about the kids, find out about your life. But I'm kind of over the cancer talk. I'll really strive to post everything I know out here, brutally honest for the all the world to see. But then I'm spent. I can't go over it again and again. OK?


Anonymous said...

My husband and I and my family (mom & dad, they remember you fondly) keep you in our prayers for good health throughout treatment and recovery. I am sending positive healing thoughts everyday. So, we are covering all spiritual angles: old school and new age-y :)

Take care,
Jenny Pullos Hynes

P.S. My husband and I are planning a road trip with our little guy to AZ this spring, if we drive near Houston perhaps we can meet? I'll let you know when we make plans.

iCarGuy said...

You are in our prayers, and many of our friends prayers. We have many friends asking for updates on you and how/what to pray for.

I need an update on Hayden's bike riding and great picture of Trevors tooth.

Let us know what you need from us. (do you need the Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD's back?)

Lot's of love from Tyler.

Anonymous said...

Well then we sit and wait and pray with you. All any of us can do. Sure dont feel like its enough but I guess if we arent praying then none of the other stuff really matters..So was the tooth fairy good to Trevor? Haileigh could start her own bank with all the tooth fairy visits. And of course, almost all of hers were pulled so the tooth fairy always brings more cause of the trauma. Man wish i wouldnt have started that now after tooth 14 was pulled recently... ha. Anyways, hang in there and know we are all praying for you here in LC. Love yall...

Anonymous said...

I will make sure not to talk about things on the phone whenever I call. Not that I have called, but I will.

Mama T said...

Art sounds just like my brother.

Anonymous said...

I am moved by your strength and grace. You and your family are in my prayers.

Liz-Davids sister in Austin

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa -- Renee forwarded your site to me. I've been thinking of you and praying for you. This blows chunks, excuse the expression. Too bad this isn't something that big mag-lite you used to carry around campus could take care of...
Love, Varina